Sunday, January 25, 2009



Welcome to Economics! First, I would like to introduce myself to you. I am a student teacher in the Masters and Certification Program in Secondary Education at the University of Michigan. Additionally, I am student teaching with Mrs. James in Algebra and Geometry, so if I am not in room 306, I'll be in the Freshman Center in room 508. Before entering teaching, I was an undergrad at the University of Michigan and I received my economics and math degree in 2007. I look forward to teaching and getting to know you this semester.

TOPICS COVERED: This course will cover 8 main topics. It is recommended that you organize your course binder according to the following topics:
Topic 1: What is Economics? Topic 5: Supply
Topic 2: Economic Systems Topic 6: Prices
Topic 3: American Free Enterprise Topic 7: Financial Markets
Topic 4: Demand Topic 8: Money & Banking

SUGGESTED SUPPLIES: Supplies should be brought with you to class everyday!
• Three-ring binder- Keep your graded assignments and organize your homework and notes in the binder. Organized information is a valuable resource when preparing for graded assessments.
• Pencil (recommended) or Pen
• Notebook- to be used for this class only

ABSENCE POLICY: If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. If you miss a quiz or test you will be expected to take the quiz or test the day you return to class. Failure to do so will result in loss of points.

HOMEWORK POLICY: All homework is due at the start of class. Homework submitted 10 minutes after the bell has rung or later will receive half credit. Late homework for each marking period will be accepted no later than two weeks before the end of the marking period.

-Be in the classroom and in your seat when the bell rings.
-Show respect for yourself, your peers and your teacher.
-Be prepared for class.
-Do your own work. Cheating or copying will not be tolerated. You will receive a zero on the assignment or test. Please note that the student handbook states that a second cheating violation results in a failing grade for the semester.
-Participate in class.
-No food or drink in the classroom other than bottled water.

Your grade each term will be determined by the following simple scale:
Homework/In-Class Assignments – 40%
Tests/Quizzes – 50%
Participation – 10%
This scale has the following implications:
• You cannot expect to receive a good grade if you don’t turn in most of your homework assignments.
• The highest grade you may receive if you don’t participate, assuming everything else is completed perfectly, is an A-. Volunteering questions, comments, and answers in class discussion and contributing to classmates during group work are two good examples of participation. Poor behavior will directly affect your participation grade.

GRADING SCALE Final Grade for Semester (subject to change)
A 12 93-100 First marking 40%
A- 11 90-92 Second marking 40%
B+ 10 87-89 Midterm/Final Exam 20%
B 9 83-86
B- 8 80-82
C+ 7 77-79
C 6 73-76
C- 5 70-72
D+ 4 67-69
D 3 63-66
D- 2 60-62
E 1 0-59

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